Large, flabby, and toned upper arm make many people insecure about their body shape. Especially when wearing sleeveless clothing or clothing that shows off your upper arms. The safe way to reduce your upper arms to look firm and toned is probably exercise. This should be done in conjunction with diet control in order to effectively reduce the size of the upper arms.

Come restore your confidence with 4 poses to reduce your upper arms to make them firm and toned. By using dumbbells or if anyone doesn’t have equipment. ยูฟ่าเบท recommend you can use a 1.5 liter water bottle which weighs approximately 1.5 kilograms instead as follows.
Exercise 1 : Front upper arm tightening exercise (Dumbbell Bicep Curls)
Begin the exercise to reduce your upper arms by preparing a pair of dumbbells. Stand straight with both feet apart. Approximately shoulder width Grab a dumbbell or a water bottle. Let your arms come down naturally, keeping your elbows close to your body. Turn both palms toward your body as if holding a hammer.
After that, slowly do the lowering of the upper arms in the following order:
- Take a deep breath. Then start using force to lift both dumbbells all the way up. While lifting, twist your wrists slightly so that your palms face your shoulders.
- Exercise to lift dumbbells. By moving only the forearm. But his upper arm didn’t move and he let out a full breath.
- Gently relax the arm muscles. Lower the dumbbell all the way down. Along with breathing in again, count as 1 time, doing 15 – 20 times per set, for a total of 3 – 4 sets.
Exercise 2 : Standing Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
Let’s start exercising to reduce the upper arms with the first pose that is easy to do. Start by standing straight and balancing both sides while holding a dumbbell or water bottle at the back of the neck. Then raise the dumbbell overhead without locking your elbows.
After that, slowly do the lowering of the upper arms in the following order:
- Gently relax the muscles in the back of your arms. Lower the dumbbell until your arm muscles are fully extend. Along with breathing in to the max
- Tighten the muscles in the back of your arms. to lift the dumbbell To return to the prepared position and exhale fully, complete the count as 1 rep, doing 15 – 20 reps per set, for a total of 3 – 4 sets.
Position 3: Tighten the back of the upper arms (Triceps Kickback)
This pose specifically focuses on burning fat on the upper arms, back and stomach area. This is consider an effective way to make your arms smaller. Begin by tilting your body forward at an angle of 30 degrees. You may use your other hand to hold onto your thigh for balance. Then raise your upper arm to the side holding the dumbbell or water bottle. Keep it parallel to your body and slowly let your arms come down naturally.
After that, slowly do the lowering of the upper arms in the following order:
- Take a deep breath. Then use force to tense your arms. To lift the dumbbell without allowing the upper arm to move in a ¼ of a circle until the arm is stretch tight. along with exhaling fully
- Slowly relax the muscles in the back of your arms, lower the dumbbell and take a breath. Count as 1 rep, doing 15 – 20 reps per set, for a total of 3 – 4 sets.
Position 4: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Begin this upper arm raise by sitting straight in a chair with your back at 90 degrees, raising a dumbbell or water bottle above your head. In a way that the palm is turn forward. Without locking your elbows, extend your arms until they are almost tight.
After that, slowly do the lowering of the upper arms in the following order:
- Gently relax the shoulder and chest muscles. Lower the dumbbell until your shoulder muscles are fully stretche. In a closed manner, the elbows come slightly forward. along with breathing in
- Lift the dumbbell straight up to return to the starting position. Along with releasing the breath, count as 1 time, doing 15 – 20 times per set, for a total of 3 – 4 sets.